How Much is Car Insurance for a 16 Year Old, And Why Is It So Expensive?

Obtaining a driver’s license at the age of sixteen is one of the significant turns every person looks forward to as a symbol of gaining their independence. However, among the few not-so-joyful aspects of the newfound freedom is the fact that one has to pay for car insurance.

Leave alone the fact that for a majority of 16 year olds, it might be impossible to even get car insurance; the rates that are offered to them are usually through the roof.

But why does this occur, and how much is car insurance for a 16 year old age? These questions will be answered in this article in detail.

how much is car insurance for a 16 year old
Image credit: Freepik

How Much Is Car Insurance For A 16 Year Old?

The cost of insuring a car for people who are 16 years old depends on some factors, such as the type of car to be insured, geographical location, and the insurance company. However, the average cost of full coverage auto insurance for a 16 year old driver in the United States costs between $3,000 and $7,000 per year. This range can be influenced by the discounts offered, the teenager’s record, and whether the teenager’s policy is an addition to a parent’s policy or a standalone.

Here are some specific factors that can affect the cost:

  1. Location: Insurance costs differ from state to state as a result of the measures put in place in an area, the likelihood of these mishaps, and the standard traffic situation. For instance, a 16 year old in the populous region of the country might be charged more than the 16 year old living in less populated area, such as inside a rural setting.
  2. Type of Car: The kind and type of the car to be insured affect the premium based on the makes and models. Well, sports cars or high-performance vehicles have higher rates of accidents, and therefore, insurance for these cars comes at a higher price.
  3. Coverage Level: The level of coverage also provides significant input in reaching the next level. While choosing between comprehensive and collision coverage and just liability coverage will cost more money, the added expenses are well worth the level of protection that is assured in the event of an accident.
  4. Insurance Provider: Insurance has its own way of pricing and there could be variation in the prices offered by different insurance companies. The feature also contributes to the realization of the fact that one needs to shop around in order to get the best rates in the market.

Why is Car Insurance So Expensive for 16 Year Olds?

  • Lack of Experience: One of the main causes of the high costs of car insurance for 16 year olds is their inexperience in driving. The probability of the new drivers participating in an accident is quite high compared to the experienced car drivers. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) elaborates the crash rate that is per each mile driven is three and a half times higher among 16 to 19 year olds than for the other groups of drivers.
  • Higher Risk Behavior: Inexperienced and young drivers are more likely to disregard traffic rules and engage in reckless actions such as speeding, not wearing seat belts, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and being distracted while driving.
  • Accident Severity: Whenever teenagers, especially sixteen-year-olds are involved in an accident, it becomes more serious producing a higher tendency of costing insurance providers.
  • Cost of Claims: Youngster drivers are normally expensive risks during claims in an insurance company. It is not only the repair or replacement costs of vehicles but also medical needs for people and compensation for losses.
  • Statistical Data: Currently, insurance companies depend mostly on actuarial information while setting their rates of premium. This is evident from the data that young drivers, especially those who are 16 years and below, are in the risky category, and the insurance companies recover their risk by issuing high premiums.

How to Cut Car Insurance Prices for Young, Inexperienced Drivers?

While insurance for a 16 year old will inevitably be costly, there are several strategies that can help reduce the premium:

  • Good Student Discounts: Most of insurance companies have special discounts for students who excel in their studies with good grades. This is founded on the assumption that responsible students will equally be responsible motorists.
  • Defensive Driving Courses: It is known that upon passing an accredited defensive driving course, a driver can be rewarded with lower rates. These courses ensure that the young drivers get to learn techniques that would enable them to avoid an accident and also know how to handle different situations that may arise while driving.
  • Choosing the Right Car: When it comes to insurance, choosing a more secure and more affordable model is a great way to cut down on expenses. Car insurance is cheaper for the vehicle with a high safety rating and low cost of repair.
  • Bundling Policies: Including the newly licensed 16 year old on an existing family policy is cheaper than getting a new policy for the teenager. In the same way, it is cheaper to have car insurance with other types of insurance products, such as home insurance.
  • Usage-Based Insurance: A few of the companies came up with usage based insurance policies where a device is fitted in the car to monitor the usage. One of the remarkable facts about car insurance is that safe driving comes with a low premium.
  • Higher Deductibles: Selecting a higher deductible may decrease the monthly premiums that a person pays to the insurance company. However, it must be possible to pay the deductible in case of an accident; otherwise, increasing it is not worth it.

The Role of Parents

It is, therefore, the role of parents to help minimize or control the cost of car insurance for the 16 year old child. Here are a few ways they can help:

  1. Setting Rules and Boundaries: To minimize the risks of accidents, there must be specific measures regarding driving conduct. This entails imposing restrictions such as driving at night, the number of people to carry, and no use of a phone while driving.
  2. Leading by Example: It is the responsibility of the parents to also practice safe driving. If the parents set good examples by obeying traffic rules and orderliness while driving, the teenagers are likely to emulate them.
  3. Encouraging Responsibility: Educating teenagers on the financial consequences of owning a car and the necessity for insurance, fuel, and vehicle repairs can also help instill a better attitude toward driving.
  4. Monitoring Driving Habits: There are parents who find it useful to install tracking apps or devices on the teen’s car to keep track of their driving skills. This can go a long way in giving a driver confidence and at the same time promoting safer behavior on the roads.


As much as the rates affecting the car insurance of a 16 years old may be considered expensive, it is important for parents and teenagers to grasp why this is so.

Thus, by reviewing the range of discounts available, selecting an appropriate make and model, and encouraging safe driving, these expenditures should be controlled.

However, as far as the young person is concerned, it is financially wiser to make sure that he or she is adequately insured, given that this will offer adequate cover and reassurance while they acquire practical experience in driving.

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